The general syntax of analytic function is:
<window_clause> is like "ROW <?>" or "RANK <?>"
SELECT deptno, COUNT(*) DEPT_COUNT FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (20, 30) GROUP BY deptno; DEPTNO DEPT_COUNT ---------------------- ---------------------- 20 5 30 6 2 rows selected
Consider the Query-1 and its result. Query-1 returns departments and their employee count. Most importantly it groups the records into departments in accordance with the GROUP BY clause. As such any non-"group by" column is not allowed in the select clause.
Query-2SELECT empno, deptno, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno) DEPT_COUNT FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (20, 30); EMPNO DEPTNO DEPT_COUNT ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 20 5 7566 20 5 7788 20 5 7902 20 5 7876 20 5 7499 30 6 7900 30 6 7844 30 6 7698 30 6 7654 30 6 7521 30 6 11 rows selected.
Now consider the analytic function query (Query-2) and its result. Note the repeating values of DEPT_COUNT column.
This brings out the main difference between aggregate and analytic functions. Though analytic functions give aggregate result they do not group the result set. They return the group value multiple times with each record. As such any other non-"group by" column or expression can be present in the select clause, for example, the column EMPNO in Query-2.
Analytic functions are computed after all joins, WHERE clause, GROUP BY and HAVING are computed on the query. The main ORDER BY clause of the query operates after the analytic functions. So analytic functions can only appear in the select list and in the main ORDER BY clause of the query.
In absence of any PARTITION or <window_clause> inside the OVER( ) portion, the function acts on entire record set returned by the where clause. Note the results of Query-3 and compare it with the result of aggregate function query Query-4.
Query-3SELECT empno, deptno, COUNT(*) OVER ( ) CNT FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (10, 20) ORDER BY 2, 1; EMPNO DEPTNO CNT ---------- ---------- ---------- 7782 10 8 7839 10 8 7934 10 8 7369 20 8 7566 20 8 7788 20 8 7876 20 8 7902 20 8Query-4
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (10, 20); COUNT(*) ---------- 8
It might be obvious from the previous example that the clause PARTITION BY is used to break the result set into groups. PARTITION BY can take any non-analytic SQL expression.
Some functions support the
The functions SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX are the common analytic functions the result of which does not depend on the order of the records.
Functions like LEAD, LAG, RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER, FIRST, FIRST VALUE, LAST, LAST VALUE depends on order of records.
The answer is simple, by the "ORDER BY" clause inside the OVER( ) clause. This is different from the ORDER BY clause of the main query which comes after WHERE. In this section we go ahead and introduce each of the very useful functions LEAD, LAG, RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER, FIRST, FIRST VALUE, LAST, LAST VALUE and show how each depend on the order of the record.
The general syntax of specifying the ORDER BY clause in analytic function is:
The syntax is self-explanatory.
All the above three functions assign integer values to the rows depending on their order. That is the reason of clubbing them together.
ROW_NUMBER( ) gives a running serial number to a partition of records. It is very useful in reporting, especially in places where different partitions have their own serial numbers. In Query-5, the function ROW_NUMBER( ) is used to give separate sets of running serial to employees of departments 10 and 20 based on their HIREDATE.
Query-5 (ROW_NUMBER example)SELECT empno, deptno, hiredate, ROW_NUMBER( ) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY hiredate NULLS LAST) SRLNO FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (10, 20) ORDER BY deptno, SRLNO; EMPNO DEPTNO HIREDATE SRLNO ------ ------- --------- ---------- 7782 10 09-JUN-81 1 7839 10 17-NOV-81 2 7934 10 23-JAN-82 3 7369 20 17-DEC-80 1 7566 20 02-APR-81 2 7902 20 03-DEC-81 3 7788 20 09-DEC-82 4 7876 20 12-JAN-83 5 8 rows selected.
RANK and DENSE_RANK both provide rank to the records based on some column value or expression. In case of a tie of 2 records at position N, RANK declares 2 positions N and skips position N+1 and gives position N+2 to the next record. While DENSE_RANK declares 2 positions N but does not skip position N+1.
Query-6 shows the usage of both RANK and DENSE_RANK. For DEPTNO 20 there are two contenders for the first position (EMPNO 7788 and 7902). Both RANK and DENSE_RANK declares them as joint toppers. RANK skips the next value that is 2 and next employee EMPNO 7566 is given the position 3. For DENSE_RANK there are no such gaps.
Query-6 (RANK and DENSE_RANK example)SELECT empno, deptno, sal, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal DESC NULLS LAST) RANK, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal DESC NULLS LAST) DENSE_RANK FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (10, 20) ORDER BY 2, RANK; EMPNO DEPTNO SAL RANK DENSE_RANK ------ ------- ----- ----- ---------- 7839 10 5000 1 1 7782 10 2450 2 2 7934 10 1300 3 3 7788 20 3000 1 1 7902 20 3000 1 1 7566 20 2975 3 2 7876 20 1100 4 3 7369 20 800 5 4 8 rows selected.
LEAD has the ability to compute an expression on the next rows (rows which are going to come after the current row) and return the value to the current row. The general syntax of LEAD is shown below:
LEAD (<sql_expr>, <offset>, <default>) OVER (<analytic_clause>)
<sql_expr> is the expression to compute from the leading row.
<offset> is the index of the leading row relative to the current row.
<offset> is a positive integer with default 1.
<default> is the value to return if the
The syntax of LAG is similar except that the offset for LAG goes into the previous rows. Query-7 and its result show simple usage of LAG and LEAD function.
Query-7 (LEAD and LAG)SELECT deptno, empno, sal, LEAD(sal, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY dept ORDER BY sal DESC NULLS LAST) NEXT_LOWER_SAL, LAG(sal, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY dept ORDER BY sal DESC NULLS LAST) PREV_HIGHER_SAL FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (10, 20) ORDER BY deptno, sal DESC; DEPTNO EMPNO SAL NEXT_LOWER_SAL PREV_HIGHER_SAL ------- ------ ----- -------------- --------------- 10 7839 5000 2450 0 10 7782 2450 1300 5000 10 7934 1300 0 2450 20 7788 3000 3000 0 20 7902 3000 2975 3000 20 7566 2975 1100 3000 20 7876 1100 800 2975 20 7369 800 0 1100 8 rows selected.
In a LAG or LEAD function expression, the optional RESPECT NULLS or IGNORE NULLS keywords can be specified in either of two locations:
The RESPECT NULLS and IGNORE NULLS keywords have these effects:
If you specify IGNORE NULLS and all of the expression values for the rows in the window partition are NULL, the LAG or LEAD function returns the default value for each row. The function returns the NULL value if no default argument is specified.
SELECT empno,comm, LEAD(comm) OVER (ORDER BY empno) next_comm, LAG(comm) OVER (ORDER BY empno) pre_comm FROM emp ORDER BY empno; EMPNO COMM NEXT_COMM PRE_COMM --------- ------ ---------- ------------ 7369 300 7499 300.00 500 7521 500.00 300 7566 1400 500 7654 1400.00 7698 1400 7782 7788 7839 0 7844 0.00 7876 0 7900 7902 7934
SELECT empno,comm, LEAD(comm IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY empno) next_comm, LAG(comm IGNORE NULLS) OVER (ORDER BY empno) last_comm FROM emp ORDER BY empno; EMPNO COMM NEXT_COMM LAST_COMM ..... ..... ......... ......... 7369 300 7499 300.00 500 7521 500.00 1400 300 7566 1400 500 7654 1400.00 0 500 7698 0 1400 7782 0 1400 7788 0 1400 7839 0 1400 7844 0.00 1400 7876 0 7900 0 7902 0 7934 0
As you can see the LEAD function is now looking for the next non null value, instead of just the next value.
The general syntax is:
FIRST_VALUE(<sql_expr>) OVER (<analytic_clause>)
The FIRST_VALUE analytic function picks the first record from the partition after doing the ORDER BY. The <sql_expr> is computed on the columns of this first record and results are returned. The LAST_VALUE function is used in similar context except that it acts on the last record of the partition.
Query-8 (FIRST_VALUE)-- How many days after the first hire of each department were the next -- employees hired? SELECT empno, deptno, hiredate - FIRST_VALUE(hiredate) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY hiredate) DAY_GAP FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (20, 30) ORDER BY deptno, DAY_GAP; EMPNO DEPTNO DAY_GAP ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 20 0 7566 20 106 7902 20 351 7788 20 722 7876 20 756 7499 30 0 7521 30 2 7698 30 70 7844 30 200 7654 30 220 7900 30 286 11 rows selected.
The FIRST function (or more properly KEEP FIRST function) is used in a very special situation. Suppose we rank a group of record and found several records in the first rank. Now we want to apply an aggregate function on the records of the first rank. KEEP FIRST enables that.
The general syntax is:
Function( ) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY <expr>) OVER (<partitioning_clause>)
Please note that FIRST and LAST are the only functions that deviate from the general syntax of analytic functions. They do not have the ORDER BY inside the OVER clause. Neither do they support any
-- How each employee's salary compare with the average salary of the first -- year hires of their department? SELECT empno, deptno, TO_CHAR(hiredate,'YYYY') HIRE_YR, sal, TRUNC( AVG(sal) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY TO_CHAR(hiredate,'YYYY') ) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno) ) AVG_SAL_YR1_HIRE FROM emp WHERE deptno IN (20, 10) ORDER BY deptno, empno, HIRE_YR; EMPNO DEPTNO HIRE SAL AVG_SAL_YR1_HIRE ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------------- 7782 10 1981 2450 3725 7839 10 1981 5000 3725 7934 10 1982 1300 3725 7369 20 1980 800 800 7566 20 1981 2975 800 7788 20 1982 3000 800 7876 20 1983 1100 800 7902 20 1981 3000 800 8 rows selected.
The PERCENT_RANK function is an OLAP ranking function that calculates a ranking value for each row in an OLAP window, normalized to a range from 0 to 1.
Each PERCENT_RANK value is computed as the row's RANK minus 1, divided by the number of rows in the partition minus 1. Values closer to 1 generally represent higher rankings and values closer to 0 generally represent lower rankings.
This function takes no argument, but the empty parentheses must be specified. If the optional window PARTITION clause is also specified, the rankings are calculated within the subset of rows that each partition defines. If there is a single row in the partition, its PERCENT_RANK value is 0.
SELECT empno, sal,RANK() OVER (ORDER BY sal) rnk, PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY sal) AS per_rank FROM emp; EMPNO SAL RNK PER_RANK 7369 800.00 1 0 7900 950.00 2 0.0769230769230769 7876 1100.00 3 0.153846153846154 7654 1250.00 4 0.230769230769231 7521 1250.00 4 0.230769230769231 7934 1300.00 6 0.384615384615385 7844 1500.00 7 0.461538461538462 7499 1600.00 8 0.538461538461538 7782 2450.00 9 0.615384615384615 7698 2850.00 10 0.692307692307692 7566 2975.00 11 0.769230769230769 7902 3000.00 12 0.846153846153846 7788 3000.00 12 0.846153846153846 7839 5000.00 14 1
The CUME_DIST function calculates the number of rows that are ranked lower than or equal to the current row, including the current row, which is divided by the total number of rows in the partition. Values closer to 1 represent higher rankings and values closer to 0 represent lower rankings.
This function takes no argument, but the empty parentheses must be specified. If the optional window PARTITION clause is also specified, the rankings are calculated within the subset of rows that each partition defines. If there is a single row in the partition, its CUME_DIST value is 1.
SELECT empno, sal,RANK()OVER(ORDER BY sal DESC) rnk, PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY sal) AS per_rank, CUME_DIST() OVER (ORDER BY sal DESC) AS cume_dist FROM emp; EMPNO SAL RNK PER_RANK CUME_DIST ...... ...... ... .................. .................. 7369 800.00 14 0 1 7900 950.00 13 0.0769230769230769 0.928571428571428 7876 1100.00 12 0.153846153846154 0.857142857142857 7521 1250.00 10 0.230769230769231 0.785714285714286 7654 1250.00 10 0.230769230769231 0.785714285714286 7934 1300.00 9 0.384615384615385 0.642857142857143 7844 1500.00 8 0.461538461538462 0.571428571428571 7499 1600.00 7 0.538461538461538 0.5 7782 2450.00 6 0.615384615384615 0.428571428571429 7698 2850.00 5 0.692307692307692 0.357142857142857 7566 2975.00 4 0.769230769230769 0.285714285714286 7902 3000.00 2 0.846153846153846 0.214285714285714 7788 3000.00 2 0.846153846153846 0.214285714285714 7839 5000.00 1 1 0.0714285714285714
Defining the PARTITOIN BY and ORDER BY clauses on indexed columns (ordered in accordance with the PARTITION CLAUSE and then the ORDER BY clause in analytic function) will provide optimum performance. For Query-5, for example, a composite index on (deptno, hiredate) columns will prove effective.
It is advisable to always use CBO for queries using analytic functions. The tables and indexes should be analyzed and optimizer mode should be CHOOSE.
Even in absence of indexes analytic functions provide acceptable performance but need to do sorting for computing partition and order by clause. If the query contains multiple analytic functions, sorting and partitioning on two different columns should be avoided if they are both not indexed.
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