Write a query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee table?
Write a query to get employee name, and average salary of his department against his/her own salary? Empname | Salary | Dept Salary
Display "WELCOME" vertically i.e, each letter in different rows
Write a query to get last day of previous month?
Write a Query to output, all those participants from tab1, which weren't the winners
select * from tab 1
id name
1 divya
2 lakshya
3 navin
4 siddharth
5 rohan
select * from tab 2;
id event winner_id
1 crossword 2
2 dart game 3
3 puzzle 2
4 quiz NULL
We want to assign grades to student based on the marks they score in class-test, if marks are between 10-20 then assign grade C,
if they are between 20-30 assign grade B, if they are from 30-50 assign grade A. What options out of below can be used to achieve this?
Please tick all possible correct answers
--> IF-Else-if
--> Case
--> Decode
Suppose, you want to get a list of class-sections where Average marks of students in that section is greater than 30, which of below will you use ?
Suppose, you want to get a list of students in each class-section having marks greater than 30 ?
This article is contributed by Manoj.
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